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Magnetic applications such as astronomy

 We already know that the earth is a giant magnet, so it's charm comes from? It's always in you? What it is in contact and geological conditions? How do magnetic fields in the universe? 
At least in the picture we see the brilliant Northern Lights. China since ancient times recorded aurora borealis. Northern Lights is actually due to the solar wind particles and the magnetic field interactions. The solar wind is a high-energy charged particles emitted by the sun streams. When they reach the Earth's magnetic field interacts with the ground, if the current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field strength, so that the north-south movement of particles and aggregates, and the results of highly rarefied gas planet collision excitation of gas molecules and light. 
Sunspots are areas of very intense solar magnetic field activity. Sunspot eruption would affect our lives, such as temporary interruption of radio communications. Therefore, the study of sunspots is important to us. 
Geomagnetic changes can be used for mineral exploration. Because all of the substances are strong or weak magnetism, and if they come together to form a deposit, and then bind to the vicinity of the magnetic interference, so that the Earth's magnetic field anomalies. According to this, you can measure the Earth's magnetic land, sea or air, to gain further explore the analysis of magnetic anomaly map of the region's magnetic field map, deposits can often be found in the unknown or special geological structure. 
Different geological age of rocks often have different magnetic properties. Therefore, the change can help determine the age of geological change based on magnetic crustal rocks. 
Many symbiotic mineral resources, namely mixing of several minerals, together, they have different magnetic properties. Using this feature, make the difference between intensity magnetic separator different components of the magnetic field and the magnetic minerals different between the magnet to attract these substances, they are differentiated by attractive, the results can mix different minerals magnetic separation, magnetic selected to achieve.

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